Nico Aly
17 - Charente-MaritimeJokersi
About jokers
On the mobile app, jokers enable you to automatically replace your incorrect answers and to get to the cache.
You have maximum 3 jokers for the entire game.
Missing a joker? There are several options to recredit your account via your profile.
You have maximum 3 jokers for the entire game.
Missing a joker? There are several options to recredit your account via your profile.
- find 10 consecutive caches without using another joker
- use a joker code offered to you by the Wisement, or a code available during an event or a Tèrra Aventura communication campaign
My bio
go for it!
Hunting, fishing, building a fire, using Zabeth’s hair as a shelter… Your experience as a solitary geocacher taught you to survive in the wilderness. Just like Robinson Crusoe, all you need to get through are water to drink, air to breathe... and exciting caches to discover! Nothing can come between you and your spiritual quest, not even the Bad Poï’z ! In fact, those rascals had better watch out! If they cross your path, they are in serious trouble! No pity, because after all, there can only be one First to find...
My adventures
Distance travelled
Expert walker
1064.3 / 1800 km
298 caches found
Calories burnt (according to Zéfaim)
10 belles z'entrecôtes limousines
186200 / 230000 kcal
No cache selected
My logbook
Select a cache in the list to discover your posted travel stories and photos.